Hand Milking Container For Nigerian Goats
Stainless Steel Container recommended for hand milking Nigerian Goats by many:
Olicamp Stainless Steel Kettle.

or A heavier stainless steel container below:
Advance Pet Product Heavy Stainless Steel Flat Bucket, 1 Quart for milking or placing in cage for water or food when transporting.
Hundreds of good reviews on Amazon.
On Sale for $8.74 and if you have Prime it is Free shipping.
High Quality Stainless Steel
Dishwasher Safe
Great for Food and water
One side flat which makes it handy
Item Package weight : 0.5 pounds
While there is no lid, you could use inexpensive Culinary Reusable Bowl Covers with Elastic, Plastic Food Storage Cover to pop on as soon as you are done getting your doe milked, so no dirt gets into it.