Dealing with Parasites?
From average daily gain and conception rates to milk production and immunity, parasites can wreak havoc on them all.
AppleJo Farms has begun using this great product on the advice of a Veterinarian instead of Ivermectin Injections.
The 2 Eprinex products used by Cattle, Sheep and goat owners:
- Eprinex Multi designed for goats and sheep
- Eprinex designed specifically for Beef and Dairy Cattle (when Multi is not available, this may be used on goats)
Plays nice with your herd.
Plays mean with parasites.
Find the right dose, every time.
Overdosing wastes product. Underdosing risks untreated parasites.
To avoid both, use the following guide for accurate dosing, every time.
- EPRINEX Pour-On for Beef and Dairy Cattle is the first dewormer to kill 39 species and stages of parasites – more than any other brand. And with up to 99.9% efficacy. This has not been proven for goats as the research has not been completed
- I've read zero and also 1 day meat withholding and no milk withholding
- Safe to use on adults or young ones.
- Nonflammable, no-odor, pour-on formulation is weatherproof and will not wash off (do not apply to skin covered in dirt or manure).
- Available in 250 mL, 1 L, 2.5 L, 5 L and 20 L sizes
- When administering the product along the backline (between shoulder to tailbone), part the fleece/coat and place applicator nozzle or bottle spout or syringe against the skin, starting at tailbone and going upward to front shoulders.
Dosage for goats is double what it is for cattle so if you are using Eprinex for Beef & dairy cattle (FDA Approved with no prescription required) (off-label for goats)--use this chart:
EPRINEX Multi Pour-On Dose Guide for Goats
Goat weighing 5-10 lbs needs 1/2 ML Eprinex topical onto skin, along spine
Goat weighing 11 lbs needs 1 ML Eprinex topical onto skin, along spine
Goat weighing 22 lbs needs 2 ML Eprinex topical onto skin, along spine
Goat weighing 44 lbs needs 4 ML Eprinex topical onto skin, along spine
Goat weighing 66 lbs needs 6 ML Eprinex topical onto skin, along spine
Goat weighing 88 lbs needs 8 ML Eprinex topical onto skin, along spine
Ken W. provides an even closer breakdown of the Eprinex dosage as follows:
5-10 lbs 1/2 ml
11-21 lbs 1ml
22-32 lbs 2 ml
33-43 lbs 3 ml
44-54 lbs 4ml
55-65 lbs 5 ml
66-76 lbs 6 ml
77-87 lbs 7 ml
88-98 lbs 8ml
99-109 lbs 9 ml
110-121lbs 10 ml
Provide your herd with more comfort and while gaining milk production. External parasites make goats uncomfortable, which can lead to weight loss and decreased milk production in does.
- The odor-free, pour-on formulation is convenient and even works in the rain, heat or freezing cold.
- Additional tip from vetsurgeoun.org: Eprinex is effective against the adult stages of major gutworm species affecting sheep and goats, and the lungworm Dictyocaulaus filaria.
- Eprinex is a Boehringer Ingelheim registered trademark and made in New Zealand.
- (Eprinex) Eprinomectin has an excellent safety profile for animals, man, and the environment. Plus, it controls more stages and species of internal and external parasites in cattle than any other known substance. Experience has shown that only 2 treatments per year (Spring and Fall) can, in most cases, provide an adequate measure parasite control. This, coupled with good management practices commonly used in organic production, can help producers raise healthier cattle and obtain a better economic return without sacrificing the quality and safety of products provided to consumers. And, importantly, eprinomectin is proven safe for the environment, when used as directed on the product label.
- Per: Eprinomectin Petiton of Nov 19, 2008 — Eprinex is approved for use in beef and dairy cattle by national animal drug product regulatory authorities of the United States (FDA, NADA 141-079) ...
- Eprinex Multi is licensed in the UK (I am currently still researching what the FDA status of Eprinex Multi in the U.S. is.
- Eprinex Multi for goats & sheep may be purchased online from a few U.S. companies (however, not at AppleJoFarms.com until it is clear that it is available over the counter and not by prescription in the U.S.)
- Privately you may find these online places to order Eprinex Multi: https://www.tacomavetmedication.com/product/eprinex-multi-5mg-ml-5l/ They offer it in a huge 5 liter bottle for $220.00 currently.
- https://horsemedicationshop.com/product/eprinex-multi-5mg-ml-5l/ $270.00 for 5 L.
Important! Please Read The Following Notice!
All information provided in these articles is based either on personal experience or information provided by others whose treatments and practices have been discussed fully with a vet for accuracy and effectiveness before passing them on to readers. Much of my page content is from Veterinary Colleges and Manuals.
In all cases, it is your personal responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided in these articles. JoAnna Mertz is not a veterinarian. Neither JoAnna Mertz nor applejofarms.com nor any of the contributors to this website will be held responsible for the use of any information contained herein.