What is Your Objective in owning and breeding Nigerian Dwarf Goats?
How to Build the Herd to Meet Your Goals
- If you have a goal of having a heavy milk line in your Nigerian Goats, the fastest way to increase this quality in your herd is through a Buck which has great milk production genetics.
- Other qualities in a buck you are looking for especially if you want Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat correctness- body:Long, LEVEL, wide, wedge-shaped, flat and open ribbing, correct rump structure, and well-placed, straight feet and legs.
- AppleJo Farms is happy to be your Goat Mentor, assisting with choices of kids which will help you meet your herd goals and answering goat keeping questions as well, no charge!
- We are here to help so please just call or text: 417-665-8996 JoAnna of AppleJo Farms Missouri