Bottle Feeding Kids
Bottle Feeding Kids!
Use Goat Nipple, Small Animal Milk Pritchard Nipple for Bottle Feeding Goats
Fits slip-tip and luer-lock syringes and also fits many water bottles. Pritchard Nipple bottles may be purchased.
Do not cut hole in tip too large or kids will not drink. They must be able to suck the milk out for proper digestion.
Warm milk by running hot tap water into a glass and sit bottle in it. Kids will not drink if it is too hot or too cold. It's important that the goat's milk is warm just like it comes from their mama. We tested the temperature on our wrists, it should be just a touch warmer than or as warm as what you would offer a human baby. (A goat's normal body temp is 102-103 degrees F.) I heat mine to approx: 99-102 degrees and kids love it.
I also use regular human baby bottles and nipples with success.
The key to getting your Nigerian Dwarf kid to take a bottle is to begin giving the bottle within the first 12 hours after birth. You can allow the dam to start them nursing, however, not for more than 12 hours and the sooner the better. It is nearly impossible if not impossible to get them to switch to a bottle after the first 12 hours.
Underfeeding and overfeeding is not good for your kids.
Nigerian Dwarf Bottle Feeding Schedule
I totally agree with Avalon Farm who states the following: "the best advice I have is to watch your babies and their activity level/overall behavior. Well fed kids are bright, alert, active and constantly exploring the world. Kids who aren’t feeling well will be just the opposite, standing around, lethargic, crying out or frantically seeking milk. Always go by what your kids tell you over what an article online does."
How much per feeding: go with the way the kid feels. In general, a newborn kid will eat about 1-2 ounces, moving up quickly to a maximum of about 6-12 ounces. At that point, the number of feedings determine the total amount, not the size of the bottle.
Note: kids go 8 hours overnight without a bottle from day 1.
Newborn schedule: start on a schedule of four bottles per day at 8a, 12p, 4p, 8p. In the first couple of days, I monitor closely to be sure they’re getting enough.
Below is a different bottle feeding schedule which some use. See what works best for you and your kids.
Week 1 only - 5x a day
First 3 days - MUST GIVE Colostrum MILK
1 - 3 Ounces per feeding
6AM - 10AM - 2PM - 6PM - 9PM OR 8a, 12p, 4p, 7p, 10p
Week 2 - Feed 4x a day
2 - 4 Ounces of milk per feeding
7AM - 11AM - 3PM - 7PM
Week 3 - 6 - Feed 3x a day
4 - 8 Ounces of Milk per feeding
7AM - 1PM - 7PM
Week 6 - 10 - 2 x a day
8 - 12 Ounces of Milk per feeding
7AM & 7PM
Week 10 - 12 - 1x a Day
13 - 19 Ounces of Milk in One bottle
Note about how long to give them a bottle: Doelings can benefit from 1 bottle a day from 10 to 12 weeks.
Bucklings can benefit from 1 bottle a day from 7 to 8 weeks.
The above suggested feeding schedules are not hard and fast rules. If you kid is crying, it needs to be fed or find out why it is crying.