N Goatfarm Udder'ly Classy is a
Doe sired by a B* Buck
3 doelings available
N Goatfarm Udder'ly Classy Classy |
Bred |
Kidded Feb. 27 with 3 doelings + 1 buckling |
ADGA Purebred Registered Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat:
Classy's Dam, Dam's Sire and Dam's Dam all carry a Pedigree with the special designation known as “Superior Genetics". They are in the top 15% (85th percentile ranking or higher) and have a Production Type Index value of 0 or greater for their breed according to the Production/Type Index (PTI).
Classy's Dam, Dam's Sire and Dam's Dam got their PTI ranking by having genetic evaluations in both production and type (DHI and LA) at the time when SG was being determined. These genetic evaluations for production only come from year around testing of these goats and their relatives. This provides the basis for calculating the PTIs from production. Milk Production &/or Type are emphasized in the PTIs.
Sex: Doe
Registered name: N Goatfarm Udder'ly Classy
Barn Name: Classy
Certificate of Registry: ADGA D2021691
Sire: N Goatfarm JJ Sunstruck Silver D1931972 *B( Star Buck awarded from parent production information) LA2019 *DNA*
Dam: SG 5 Fold Farm HB Daz'd N Cunfuzd D1786710 *DNA* 1*M AR2017 LA2019,2018,2017
Sire's Sire: Mistwood LJJ Jacobs Java D1768808P *DNA* LA2018
Sire's Dam: Mistwood SD Sunflower D1769125 2*M AR2017 LA2018,2017
Dam's Sire: SG Dill's B&R Hillybilly Bone D1687713 +*B (+Good Plus (Linear); (Star Buck awarded from parent production information) AR2018 LA2018,2017,2015
Dam's Dam: SG 5 Fold Farm CC Ginger Snap D1686232 LA2015
Classy has Dill's Genetics! Dill's Goat Farm is a Premier Nigerian Dwarf Breeder & Exhibitor, Chelsea Oklahoma.
Classy was bred and shown at the 2019 ADGA National by Nancy LaMont of NGoatFarm. Classy placed very well in all her competitions.
Classy's Show History:
Classy comes from an ADGA Plus Show Herd
DOB: 4-12-2019 (Quint)
EID: Yes (underside of tail)
Color: Black & Tan Buckskin; Cou Clair; Brown Eyes
Horn: Disbudded
Sire: N Goatfarm JJ Sunstruck Silver LA2019 *DNA*
Sire's Sire: Mistwood LJJ Jacobs Java *DNA* LA2018
Sire's Dam: Mistwood SD Sunflower 2*M AR2017 LA2018,2017
SG 5 Fold Farm HB Daz'd N'Cunfuzd AR2017 LA2019,2018,2017 *DNA*
SG 5 Fold Farm HB Daz’d N’Cunfuzd 2*M AR
aka Daisy 90VEEV (87+EEEV)
Casein s1 Protein A/A - DNA on File
ADGA# D1786710
Chocolate Buckskin w/random White
1x GCH @WA State Fair 2018
1x GCH @Clark Co Fair 2019
Dam's Dam: SG 5 Fold Farm CC Ginger Snap LA2015
5 - Generations ADGA Pedigree below:
Note all of the SG: Superior Genetics & GCH: Grand Champion show wins
Classy kidded for the first time May 2020. Below are her first freshener 12-hour fill pictures.
Classy combines excellent conformation with a well attached mammary system that is meant for production.
It must be noted: Not all Nigerian does produce larger amounts of milk nor have wide open teat orifices or a capacious correct udder as Classy has. These are very desirable traits to look for when you buy a doe or doeling(what does her Dam's udder look like?) Also, look at the Sire and his Dam. The Dam and Sire pass their traits on to their young, so do your research before you purchase a doe or doeling.
Classy's Dam, Daisy (owned by N Goat Farm-Washington) has her milk stars! Daisy passed along her correct conformation and capacious correct udder to Classy.
Classy flew to us here at AppleJo Farms all the way from Washington State, N Goatfarm.
N Goat Farm is owned and operated by Nancy LaMont, Rochester Washington.
N Goat Farm has a fine reputation and a marvelous Registered Nigerian Goat Herd (as noted below)
and this is why we chose to bring Classy to our herd:
Classy & Winston's Buckling
May 14, 2020
AppleJo Farms Finnegan (as a buckling)
AppleJo Farms Finnegan (as a buck)
2025 Kidding Season: Classy+McGibbony
Classy kidded Feb. 27th with 4 beautiful babies!
See KIDS FOR SALE on the Home page.