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Caity-Mirikoza Farm -For Sale

Doe-Mirikoza Farms Caity

Caity is for Sale as a Doe in Milk and may be picked up immediately. I am still milking her two times daily, however, soon this will change to once per day because I have several does kidding.

As I was milking Caity last night, I am becoming more and more impressed by her first freshener udder and teats. Her teats have nice larger orifices and the teat size makes her easier to milk. She gave a surprising larger quantity of milk for a first freshener also!  

Why am I selling Caity? I have a health issue which makes it necessary for me to reduce my herd by 75%. Many of these does, such as Caity, I have feed and cared for to bring them to being adult does, having kids, thus much work and expense has already been done for you. You get to purchase and go home and continue milking immediately!

Caity is for sale with a $200 non-refundable deposit toward her purchase price of $650. Should you decide to back out after committing to purchase her, your deposit is non-refundable. If something goes wrong on my end, you get your deposit back.

Please pay by PayPal to Any fees PayPal charges will be added to your pick-up balance due. Include in your Paypal note: your name, address and price specifics such as: "This is my deposit for Caity, balance of $_____  plus any PayPal fees will be paid at pick-up."

Please send a message to this email if you are serious about purchasing one or more of these does or any of the kids which are for sale:

 Mirikoza Farms Caity




(Kona’s son) *DNA 

Kidded Feb. 27, 2025

Scroll to bottom of page for kid prices

We brought Caity home from Mirikoza Farm in Summersville Kentucky, because Mirikoza Farm is an 

ADGA Plus Member and has participated in 

LA & Milk Testing in 2022, 2023 with superb results. Caity is a first freshener and kidded with 2 bucklings.

Mirikoza Farms Caity is bred to 



Get your Reservations in now while she has openings!

About Caity:
DOB: 02/23/2023
Caity has heavy heavy Dill's Genetics!
Dill's A Little Goat Farm  is an ADGA Elite Breeder
Dam: Herdrock Sweet Caroline 3*M VVV+ 84
Caroline is out of Herdrock E Lollipop 2*M and Dill’s B&R Beer Money *B. Lollipop is out of SG Dill’s RD Big & Rich ++*B and GCH Dill’s W Intrigue 2*M EEEE 91. Beer Money is the son of Cori’s Fancy T Eldridge +*B and Agape’s Prize Catch Some Rays 1*M +VAE87.
Caroline's Dam, Herdrock E Lollipop 2*M, produced 827# in 200 days***
As of August 2023, Caroline has earned her *M in milk production, Butterfat and Protein in just 163 days.
2023 MILK TEST: 310 DIM-- 1035 lbs milk-- 58 lbs BF-- 44 lbs protein
Caity's Sire(HEAVY Dill's & Promisedland Genetics): Dill's ROD BOB THE BUILDER *B (Linebred 
on SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 and 
SGCH NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91)
Bob's Dam- Dill's BJ Wrecking Ball 3*M +VEV87
DD- GCH Dill's AC Tranquility 2*M VEEE90
DS- SG Dill's TS Banjo ++*B *VV84
Bob's Sire- Dill's FW Ride or Die *B
SD- SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92
SS- Dill's TS Firewater *B

Pedigree for Dill's ROD BOB THE BUILDER *B:

Dam- Dill's BJ Wrecking Ball 3*M +VEV87
DD- GCH Dill's AC Tranquility 2*M VEEE90
DS- SG Dill's TS Banjo ++*B *VV84
DDD- Promisedland LD Panacea *M
DDS- AGS NC Promisedland HS Aristo Cat
DSD- SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92
DSS- Dill's D Two-Step ++*B
DSDD- SG Dill's LD Remember 3*M +E+V86 as 7 YO (+EVE88 as 3 YO)
DSDS- MI Sugarcreek TW Tune's XM ++*B
DSSD- SGCH NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91
DSSS- Dill's LD Derringer ++B
Sire- Dill's FW Ride or Die *B
SD- SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92
SS- Dill's TS Firewater *B 
SDD- Dill's LD Remember 3*M +E+V86 as 7 YO (+EVE88 as 3 YO)
SDS- MI Sugarcreek TW Tune's XM ++*B
SSD- SGCH NC Promisedland RB Moonshine 2*M EEEE91
SSS- Dill's D Two-Step ++*B
SDDD- Gay-Mor's LR Kitty's Meow 2*M
SDSD- GCH Sugar Creek PT Show Tunes *M EEEE91
SDSS- MI Sugarcreek NT Tight Wad *B
SSDS- SG NC Promisedland Good Day Sunshine *M VEEE91 
SSSD- SGCH NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91
DSSS- Dill's LD Derringer ++B
2025 Kids: Caity + McGibbony
2 Bucklings: $400 each or may be purchased as wethers for $250 each (when they are 8 weeks old they will be banded)
Reservation for Buckling: OPEN

AppleJo Farms is dedicated to breeding, nurturing and placing Registered Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats with Farms where they will flourish!


The Gateway to the Lake of the Ozarks: Eldon, Missouri 

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