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Hope Willow-Tiny Hill

New 2024 Herd Addition!

Name: Tiny Hill Highland Hope Willow | DOB: 2024-03-11 | Color: Black/White | Gender: Female | Breed: Nigerian Dwarf

Here's some exciting facts about Hope Willow which make her kids a great choice to add to your herd in Fall 2025.

Sire: ELITE Buck SG Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B – David  (Highest living ETA/PTA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X TOP TEN SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M) DOB 3/3/20 Chamoise with white and extensive moon spotting. David qualified for ADGA’s 2020 Young Sire Development Program. This far out little buckling’s outstanding mammary, milk production, and udder longevity genetics are exactly what we want in our herd. His very first daughter on milk test, Elite Doe SG (pending)Tiny Hill Farm Hazel Decker 7*M is a 99th percentile Elite doe who produced 1,130lbs of milk over her first lactation as a milking yearling. David made the August and December 2023 ADGA Elite Buck List. In January of 2024, his third daughter earned her milk star, earning David his +B award. 

Hope Willow's Dam:


(PB Doe)

DOB: 3/17/2020 FS78 (+++A) @ 01-05

Here is the ADGA website link to go to for Minerva's highly impressive Pedigree:

Genetics for Hope Willow are stunning: Sugar Moon, Old Mountain Farm, Promisedland, Rosasharn

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AppleJo Farms is dedicated to breeding, nurturing and placing Registered Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats with Farms where they will flourish!


The Gateway to the Lake of the Ozarks: Eldon, Missouri 

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